What is Sanadak?

Sanadak is the first Ombudsman Unit in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, created under the supervision of the Central Bank of the UAE. Sanadak aims to resolve financial and Takaful-related complaints through transparent, impartial, and timely processes, seeking to safeguard trust and confidence in the UAE's financial field.

When to escalate to Sanadak?

Attempt resolution with the Bank: You should initially submit a complaint with your Bank first and wait 30 calendar days from receipt before submitting the complaint to Sanadak. If you are not satisfied with the resolution provided by the bank OR your complaint has not been addressed within 30 calendar days, you may raise your complaint to Sanadak through their website - www.sanadak.gov.ae

When not to escalate to Sanadak?

Sanadak may reject complaints related to a Bank in the following scenarios:
If you did not raise an official complaint with the related Bank before raising the complaint with Sanadak.
If you did not wait 30 calendar days after the complaint had been raised with your Bank or once your complaint has been officially closed by the bank, whichever earlier .
Complaint is being dealt with by a court of law.
Complaint is outside the Central Bank's regulatory mandate.
Complaint materially relates to a Bank’s risk management, internal pricing policy, or anti-money laundering policies and practices.
Complaint has already been settled between the complainant and the Bank.

How do I know if I am eligible to complain to Sanadak?

How to submit a complaint to Sanadak ?

You can submit your complaint through the below channels:

What is the complaint process to Sanadak?

You must register a Complaint with your Bank.
If you are not satisfied with the resolution or it has not been addressed within 30 calendar days, you can submit a complaint to Sanadak.
You may submit complain to Sanadak online via the Sanadak website or mobile application, through the Sanadak call center*, or in person. You must meet the complaint eligibility criteria as defined on the Sanadak Website and provide all requested information and documentation.
Sanadak team will review your file to verify if it complies with Sanadak’ s requirements.
Sanadak will approach the Bank to verify the details of your complaint. Once validated, the Bank has 30 calendar days to draft a resolution that aligns with the CBUAE’s regulations.
Once the complaint is investigated by Sanadak, you will receive a written response or the final decision regarding your complaint via the portal as well as through SMS and email notifications.
* For people of determination and elderly complainants only

What if I am not satisfied with the complaint resolution by Sanadak?

Once Sanadak informs you of the complaint’s outcome, you may accept it or appeal to the Appeals Committee within 5 working days if you are not happy with the outcome . Either parties (you or the bank ) can appeal the case.
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Get in touch

By Phone
Mashreq Al Islami Customer Service Unit +971 44 24 4411
Mashreqbank Global Headquarter
Umniyati Street (off Al Asayel Street) Burj Khalifa Community PO Box 1250 Dubai – UAE
Business Hours
Monday to Friday 08.30am to 05.30pm