Savings Plan

Life has many milestones, save today

For a better tomorrow

Systematic savings

to meet your needs

Dollar cost averaging

& strategic investment

Fund switching

for maximum results

Takaful (Islamic Insurance)

Takaful is a co-operative system where individuals make small regular contributions to a managed fund. The individuals mutually agree to protect each other against any insured peril. Takaful's origins can be  traced back as early as 1,400 years ago, when the Muslims of Mecca and Medina  established systems of mutual cooperation and shared responsibility.

Fund switching

To maximise your savings, it’s good to know that you can fund switch to move your investments from one fund to another within one plan. This gives you the opportunity to get better returns.
The freedom to save periodically and systematically
Saving is simple and easy when it is done over time.
Access to global markets
Enjoy the opportunity to participate in global markets through individual funds or managed strategies.
Choose from a wide range of policy currencies & terms
To ensure that you choose the best policy for your needs, we offer you a Shari'ah compliant comprehensive selection. This gives you the freedom to plan your savings effectively.

Get an instant takaful

Still got questions?

Please refer to the product key fact document to check on the details for the charges associated with the plan or the provider’s website.
Yes, you have the option to switch within your funds. Kindly refer to your policy document for further details.
The proceeds will be passed on to your beneficiary as per your records on completion of necessary formalities. Kindly refer to policy document for more details.
The maturity proceeds can be transferred to your country of residence upon receiving the signed request forms from you.
Yes, after you have paid your Contribution for a certain period you can opt for a Contribution holiday feature with a written request to the Takaful company. You can resume your Contribution payment after this break. T&Cs apply
Your policy benefits continue depending on the account value and it is recommended to do your portfolio review on a regular basis.
No, the rates are assumptive, and the actual performance could vary depending on the fund choices selected by you. Kindly refer to the policy document for details.
Yes, a certain percentage can be withdrawn of your account value. Please refer to the policy document for further details.

Simply download the Mashreq Mobile App to apply

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