Takaful Term Life

Financial security & peace of mind

with low Contributions

A fixed Contribution

for the entire tenure

Add-on benefits

whenever you want

Flexible policy term

from 1 to 35 years

Protect yourself and your family

Term life takaful is a fixed term solution that can provide both financial protection and peace of mind. If you move to another country permanently, you keep your cover.

Takaful (Islamic Insurance)

Takaful is a co-operative system where individuals make small regular contributions to a managed fund. The individuals mutually agree to protect each other against any insured peril.

Takaful's foundations can be traced back as early as 1,400 years ago, when the Muslims of Mecca and Medina established systems of mutual cooperation and shared responsibility.

Enjoy the reassurance of fixed Contributions
It’s good to know that your Contribution is fixed throughout the whole tenure regardless of your state of health.
Additional protection
Explore the option of tailor-made add on benefits like critical illness, partial disability and permanent and total disability benefits.
Choose the term to suit your needs
Select the specified policy term that suits you best, ranging from 1-35 years.

Get an instant Takaful

A life Takaful that follows you anywhere
Term Life Takaful offers financial protection and peace of mind, even if you move countries. It runs for a fixed period of time and pays a cash sum in the event of your untimely death.
High cover & low costs
An attractive low cost life cover that runs across a specified term of between 1-35 years and offers high cover.
Simple set-up
It’s easy to set up with minimal documentation and a simple approval process.
International cover
Your cover is global and can be moved when you move.

Still got questions?

If you need a plan to protect yourself or your family for a specific period of time. If you want to protect a Personal or a Home Finance. If you need a simple and effective plan to manage with no cash value
Peace of mind that you’re protected from life’s uncertainties A range of additional options to choose from that can protect your income. Free terminal illness cover and immediate coverage after signing.
The Contribution is dependent on variable factors like age, gender and other factors. Our Shari'ah certified specialist would be able to advise.
You can pay Contributions within five years under “Limited Contribution Payment” scheme. You can also pay Contributions during the selected terms under “Full Term Contribution Payment” scheme. You can pay all Contributions in one Single Installment in selected plans.
You can pay Contributions in yearly or half yearly or quarterly or monthly mode.
You can pay all Contributions by Account Debit or Credit Card through standing instruction.
Nomination facilitates settlement of a claim in the event of the unfortunate death of the life assured in favour of the nominee. The same of the nominee should be clearly mentioned in the Proposal/Application Form.
An assignment has the effect of transferring right, title and profit of the policy in favour of another person or institution out of natural love and affection or for valuable consideration or against liabilities or facilities from a bank.

Simply download the Mashreq Mobile App to apply

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